Policies and Procedures
Communication Procedures
Email is our primary means of communication. Please take a moment to make sure that our email addresses are marked as safe addresses. We send out at least a few emails per month with important information and reminders. Please check your emails regularly to make sure you are up to date. Additionally, we send out a monthly email newsletter. If you are not receiving the newsletter, please let us know! This is a great way to get a heads up on a bunch of important dates and events for the following month.
Email is our primary means of communication. Please take a moment to make sure that our email addresses are marked as safe addresses. We send out at least a few emails per month with important information and reminders. Please check your emails regularly to make sure you are up to date. Additionally, we send out a monthly email newsletter. If you are not receiving the newsletter, please let us know! This is a great way to get a heads up on a bunch of important dates and events for the following month.
You can find information concerning important dates, news, and dress code here on our website! Most updates and announcements can be found on our Home page or under the "News" tab.
You can find information concerning important dates, news, and dress code here on our website! Most updates and announcements can be found on our Home page or under the "News" tab.
Social Media:
We strongly suggest that you follow us on Instagram and Facebook for day-to-day updates and announcements. In addition to the website, this is where we post studio closure announcements and recital information. You can follow us on Instagram @premieredanceco or find us on Facebook at Premiere Dance Company.
We strongly suggest that you follow us on Instagram and Facebook for day-to-day updates and announcements. In addition to the website, this is where we post studio closure announcements and recital information. You can follow us on Instagram @premieredanceco or find us on Facebook at Premiere Dance Company.
Our app is an easy way to access Studio Director and view content from our website on your mobile device.
*The Premiere Dance Co. App is currently under construction. For the time being, the website is the best place for up-to-date information.
Download on the App Store, Google Play, or by clicking HERE.
Our app is an easy way to access Studio Director and view content from our website on your mobile device.
*The Premiere Dance Co. App is currently under construction. For the time being, the website is the best place for up-to-date information.
Download on the App Store, Google Play, or by clicking HERE.
Enrollment Procedures
Please visit our "How to Enroll" page for detailed instructions on Enrollment.
If you have any questions on what level is the right fit for your student, please call our office for assistance! Based on your child's past experience and age we can help you make the right decision. It is important that you follow the minimum age requirements for class based on their age as of September 1.
If you have any questions on what level is the right fit for your student, please call our office for assistance! Based on your child's past experience and age we can help you make the right decision. It is important that you follow the minimum age requirements for class based on their age as of September 1.
General Policies
- Students should arrive dressed and ready to begin 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of class.
- Restroom Policy: Dancers must go to the restroom prior to their class or in between classes. There are appropriate times to use the restroom during class, such as in between barre and center. Still, we ask that dancers show respect to their teachers and classmates by avoiding bathroom breaks during class as much as possible. Dancers are expected to be in class learning and not gathering in the halls or bathrooms after class has started. In the case of an emergency, dancers will be permitted to use the restroom quickly and without distracting other classmates. In the event that a medical note is provided, exceptions will be made.
- Water Policy: All dancers should grab a drink of water before and between classes. During class, dancers should wait until the teacher lets the whole class take a water break. Again, this is to help avoid any unnecessary distractions during class time. No drinks other than water are allowed in the dance rooms.
- Dancers' names should be written inside each of their shoes.
- The Student Lounge is meant for dancers/teachers who have long days of dance to do homework and eat dinner. The lobby is to be kept clean and well maintained. Please make sure to throw away all trash and wipe down the microwave after use. For additional policies please refer to the list hanging in the lounge.
Dance Room Policies
- There is no cell phone use in the studio. Cell phones must be turned off and left in either a bag or a cubby.
- No dance bags are allowed inside the classroom (except for Tu-Two and Combo level classes). Dancers should leave their bags in the cubbies during class time.
- No gum, food, or drink besides water is allowed during class or inside the studios. Dancers who need to eat dinner may do so in the Student Lounge. Water bottles/cups must have a fully closed lid to avoid spills. Please no tumblers with straws inside the dance room.
- No street shoes are allowed in the dance rooms. Harsh soled shoes can cause damage on our flooring. We also want to keep our studios free from dirt and debris.
- Sitting Out: Dancers who are sitting out for injury will be asked to fill out a worksheet during class. This worksheet will ask them to take note of corrections and ask themselves how they can apply it to themselves. We hope that this will keep students engaged and soaking up valuable information even if they are sitting out.
- Dress code will be strictly enforced and large jewelry is strictly prohibited. This is to help our dancers have a positive experience, to facilitate proper training by allowing the teachers to adequately view dancer's alignment, and to encourage proper and focused classroom etiquette. For a more detailed description of our dress code, please visit the "Dress Code" page.
Behavior Policy
Dancers are expected to behave appropriately and respectfully towards their teachers and fellow dancers in class. In the even of extremely disruptive or disrespectful behavior the student will first be verbally warned. If poor behavior continues the students will be sent to the front office where:
- A parent will be called to pick the student up for that day
- The front desk will fill out a behavior warning form
- A meeting will be requested with the parent and dancer
Severe Weather Policies
- In the event of inclement weather, the studio will usually follow Norman Public School closings. If we are closed due to weather, classes will be made up at a later date.
- We will announce weather closings via email, Facebook, and Instagram as soon as the decision is made.
- We understand that dancers travel to us from many different areas, and that everyone has their own comfort level regarding travel. If we do choose to have classes on a day where the weather is questionable, your dancer will not be penalized with an unexcused absence if they choose not to come.
- Should severe weather arise while your child is at Premiere, we do have a storm shelter that all dancers will be escorted to, if necessary.
Attendance Policy
We understand that special things come up and you may have to miss dance from time to time. However, regular attendance in class is very important for consistency and growth for your dancer. If you will be missing a class, please send us an email or phone call to keep us informed. Once we start working on recital dances in February, this is even more important. If a dancer misses two or more classes in a row between February and May, they may be asked to schedule and pay for a private lesson to catch up with the other dancers. It is also very important for the teacher to be able to work with all dancers at the same time since whole group participation and formations are a very important part of the learning process. We appreciate your help with this so that all dancers will be well prepared for the recital.
If your dancer needs to miss a class they may take a make up class that is similar to their regular class. Please contact the front desk at [email protected] to schedule a make up class.
If your dancer needs to miss a class they may take a make up class that is similar to their regular class. Please contact the front desk at [email protected] to schedule a make up class.
Parking and Parent Watch Procedures
- All classes are closed to observers. For your convenience, we have a TV live feed of all classes where you can watch your dancer from the lobby. However, we are doing our best to keep our lobby as free from congestion as possible to reduce COVID-19 transmission as well as making it an easier transition for shy students into class. Parents are not required to stay on the premises while your child is in class.
- We realize parking can be congested at times. Please make sure to drive safely while in the parking lot and to keep the traffic moving. Please do not park in front of the doors while waiting for your dancer. It is often helpful to continue to keep circling the parking lot when waiting for spots to open up, to reduce a traffic jam out on the major road.
Tuition Policies
- Regular tuition will be billed and paid as a monthly Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This is a direct withdrawal from your bank account on the first of the month. This is required for all dancers!
- All families are required to have two payment methods on file at all times. The primary payment method is your bank account for automatic EFT payments. The second payment method (credit or debit card) will be run if the first payment method is unsuccessful. *Note: A 4% convenience fee will be added if using a credit or debit card for payment. Please make sure your bank account is selected as the primary payment method so that you will not be charged a convenience fee.
- First month of tuition is due June 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 dance year and is non-refundable. If enrolling after June 1, the first month of tuition is due upon enrollment. All tuition thereafter is due a month in advance. (I.e. October tuition is due September 1.) Your last tuition payment will be on April 1. All payments will be withdrawn the first business day of the month.
- Bank Account information needs to be added to your Studio Director Account prior to September 1 or we will charge your card on file plus a 4% convenience fee on September 1 for tuition.
- Late Fee Policy: Late fees in the amount of $25 are assessed if payment is 7 days late. If tuition is one-month late an additional $25 will be charged to the account, and every month payment is late thereafter. Dancers will not be able to participate in class or rehearsal if payment is 14 days late. **Note: This applies to all tuition and fees posted on Studio Director, and Quickbooks invoices for non-tuition charges.
- A 4% convenience fee is charged any time you use a credit card on file to pay instead of an EFT payment. Convenience fees are non-refundable.
- There will be a $25 processing fee on all returned checks.
- Tuition is the same amount each month regardless of the number of classes. Each day of the week meets the same number of classes over the 9-month season.
- There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. You are paying for your dancer's spot in a class, not just classes attended. However, if a student does miss a class, they may make up a class at a similar level/style. See our Attendance Policy for more information.
- We must have 2 weeks notice in writing (mailed or emailed) for any dropped classes. Without that notice in writing, we are not able to refund any monies paid and you will continue to be charged tuition and late fees. The last day to drop a class is February 1. No drops will be allowed after this date.
- All recital and costume fees are non refundable.
For additional information, please see our "Tuition and Billing" tab under Classes and Enrollment.